
Cyber Security Concepts

Cyber Security concepts are a foreign language for most folks outside the computer science world. As a business owner, it is difficult to stay abreast of cyber security news. Data Security Basic offers a good starting point for learning about concepts that are affecting small businesses in the cyber security world today. What is data security? It is three elements of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The approach to ensuring those elements is achieved through various means such as access control, encryption, and masking. If you pay someone to host these services, most likely these concepts are already in place. What are terms like GDPR, PCI DCC Standard, and HIPAA? These all refer to regulation of how digital data is stored and protected. Malware, Spyware, and viruses are terms to describe software specifically designed to break into networks and lift protected data. Phishing describes how attackers attempt to trick you into handing over your credentials. While breaches may seem common place, their consequences often are not described as actors will leverage small information for financial gain. There are a lot of ways though you can protect yourself, and folks that are available to help. First and foremost, education. Engaging with IT firms to train you and your employees will pay dividends as the world becomes more integrated with the cyber world. Another is engaging with IT consultants to inspect and qualify your cyber security needs. Today the most under rated service to protecting your company is cyber monitoring. Here at Cyber Rabbit we love educating and talking to companies about how they can leverage industry standard cyber security to protect themselves in a fast evolving cyber world.

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